Friday 12 February 2016

I can't be bothered (ICBB)

I can't be bothered (ICBB) – is one of my key acronyms
I could search the archives to see what I have done with it before
but – ICBB. (but see the list at the bottom of this article)

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
It depends on which 'I' has the upper hand. And there are plenty to choose from.

I should take a shower before going to the meeting this afternoon.
But – ICBB
I should at least wash, shampoo and condition my hair
But – ICBB

Where does the should, could or ought come from?
From a module in the unconscious.
How did it get there?
By nature, nurture or chance.

Sub culturally when I was a child 'Friday night was bath night' – in a tub in front of the fire in the living room. The precious hot water was shared by all the family in turn.
Then came hot and cold running water in the bathroom and in the kitchen.
Then came the power shower in the bathroom
With the new, labour saving technology came new 'shoulds' concerning personal hygiene. Ordinary soap gets replaced by shower-gel and shampoo. Sophisticated people have a shower and a change of clothes, especially underware, at least once a day - whether or not they need it.

I spent most of my working days in the tropics where I sweated a lot and often changed my clothes. I employed home helps to take them to the river for washing. The domestic water supply was very erratic and I became a master at washing all over from a big mug.

Cultural 'oughts' evolve through time and some change faster than others. The division of labour now includes slices for advertisers and propagandists. The goal is to convince customers and clients to consume commodities that display their status in the cultural hierarchy.

Once a week I venture into civilisation's class conscious shops and supermarkets (eg Poundland, LIDL, Tesco, M&S) It amuses me to note which items capture my attention and how, by being mindful of what goes on in my mindbrain, attention avoids being taken prisoner. I could thus make a retrospective non-shopping list - but ICBB.

Earlier blogs that deal with ICBB

“to continue remembering to let go of busy-ness and to revel in the can’t be bothered (CBB) frame of mind and the release it brings from mundanity.” [LINK]

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