Friday 28 June 2013

commonweal values

What might be the predominant value system in the new Scottish commonweal? Three frameworks can help to be systematic and thorough in sketching out the options.

First the Kluckohn and Strodbeck ‘Variations in value orientations” which draws on anthropology.  This web page outlines the germinal work on variation of value orientations as proposed by anthropologists Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck in the early 60s and taken up again in the late 80s by various characters concerned with intercultural understanding and organisational culture. The basic conceptualisations were picked up again by the Human Resource Development gurus in the early 90s and given some severe twists by anthropologists. For details click here.

Second is Haidt’s list of seven moral foundation continua which are rooted in moral psychology. Individuals can use his questionnaire to demonstrate their particular stances. There are marked differences between individuals at the right and left ends of the political spectrum. The challenge for the commonweal is to reconcile the traditional differences and to take a higher viewpoint which plays to the strengths of the different groups. For details click here.

Third is Clark’s eight point acronym STEEPLES. It grew from the single bottom line of profit (Economics) through the triple bottom line of Economic, Social and Environmental and on to the eight point set of Social, Technological, Environmental, Economic, Political, Legal, Ethical and Spiritual. The web site suggests several ways in which systematic use of the list can lead to more holistic, integrated and inclusive policy and planning. For details click here.

1 comment:

  1. The Kluckhohn and Strodbeck is also available here -
