Monday 25 February 2013

Is that spiritual?

Some people are more spiritual than others. By making a spiritual journey an individual or group can readjust the personal and group balance. Different human types (eg introvert/ extrovert etc) may be more or less inclined to spirituality and they may have preferred ways of developing and maintaining it. It is an altered state of consciousness[1] although not perhaps very clear cut.

How does the spiritual state relate to the mystical one? Some time ago I gathered a few ideas about stages on the mystical path[2]. The idea is to encourage cognitive dissonance[3] such that ‘things’ are no longer as they seem. By taking thought, the illusory nature of ‘I’ becomes apparent and this leads to dropping personal viewpoints and worldviews. The non-dual Oneness is unspeakable. But, fortunately, it can be experienced. 

A dark night of the soul
Note that the cognitive dissonance can be tough. It is rarely plain sailing. It can trigger a dark night of the soul. 

Paul Simon had some ideas about it:

“And so you see I’ve come to doubt
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.”

But who is the you? Woody Guthrie had some ideas about it:

“You gotta walk that lonesome valley
You gotta walk it by yourself
Nobody here can walk it for you
You gotta walk it by yourself”

But these days I appreciate the company of like minded souls. Were it not for the radicals of Findhorn I might well have given up the quest and dropped back to the default of a parochial and xenophobic country bumpkin. Or perhaps not. I  have read many spiritually inspiring books and magazines; and these days there are audio and video programmes, social networks and email.

I  have contributed to the spiritual reading material in cyberspace. In chronological order:

In promoting spirituality the eastern religions have developed a deep rooted and time tested psychology of perception. Physical quiet and stillness lead to psychological quiet and stillness. The mud of busy-ness settles and clarity and insight improve. The seeker is encouraged to remain awake and to be aware of what enters and leaves the attention centre. Notice what is being noticed and remain aloof. Learn to mindfully and gently respond rather than to mindlessly and vigorously react.

BUT - it is rarely plain sailing:

“In the middle of the journey of our life I came to myself within a dark wood where the straight way was lost.” ~ Dante Alighieri

a spiritual journey
The spiritual journey is often portrayed as magical, mystical and Hollywood heroic. Joseph Campbell the historian of myth recognised the multicultural Monomyth[4] where "A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man."
I feel uneasy with such stories. The hero has power - and power corrupts. In the Tao teh Ching it is reckoned that, “of the best leaders, when they are gone, the people all say, “We did it ourselves”.”

There is an issue about engaged spirituality and the bestowing of boons. Is an elitist vanguard inevitable? How might we get round the problem that “the reality that can be described is not the real reality” and that “those who speak do not know?”

We can fall back on the psychology of perception. We are what and how we think and feel. By taking thought we can alter what and how we think and feel. It is now well established that we ‘see’ with our brains rather than with our eyes. Immediate sensory inputs take part in vital churns with memories of facts and feelings. Thus we adapt to our world and act so as to meet our various actual and idiosyncratic needs in real time.

By their words and deeds shall you know them.

By being awake, aware and mindful you will be a compassionate and cool dude. That is how you are hard wired – at least for most dealings with your limited number of hunting and gathering ancestors. Cultural evolution (nurture) has put enormous strains on our neurological evolution (nature). But there is plenty plasticity. 

By taking mindful thought we can sort things out. 

That is spiritual.

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