At one end of the
continuum is 'kind' and at the other end is 'cruel'. The motivation
to act one way or the other is rooted in your nature, nurture or in
chance. The kind/cruel reaction lies on an expanding horizon from
'me', through 'us' and 'them' to 'it'. The following table helps to
think systematically about kinds of kind and cruel. Note that there
are those who do kind and cruel things and there are those who have
kindness and cruelty thrust upon them.
Some generalisations:
Some generalisations:
- There is a tendency towards kindness when dealing with me and us.
- There is a tendency towards cruelty when dealing with them.
- Parenting is tough eg the terrible twos; adolescence
- Mechanised agriculture is cruel to the environment.
- Trans National Corporations exploit their workers and pollute the environment.
- Genocide has been and still is quite common.
- War propaganda demonises the enemy.
- Those who know only Me and Us are naïve and easily exploited.
- The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
- Instituted religion tends to produce zealots and suicide bombers.
- Power corrupts so there is need of checks and balances.
- 'It' includes climate change.
- Human nature includes a territorial imperative.
- Man is a social animal - “No man is an island unto himself”
Padding out the continuum
Kind people are good
Samaritans who do not look away from suffering. Cruel people treat
'them' as inhuman and therefore fair game for exploitation – poor
working conditions; rape, pillage, and enslavement; torture, murder
and genocide.
The present refugee
situation in the EU offers many examples of kindness and cruelty.
Some host nations have crowds of volunteers freely donating resources
and offering to help with the logistics of processing such large
numbers of people. For many of the people traffickers the refugees
are just commodities that are bulk processed so as to generate
maximum profit.
It would be 'nice' if
more people were kind and less people were cruel. This is possible.
Preceding a kind or cruel action is a kind or cruel thought or
feeling. If people develop a mindfulness practice they will be aware
of the arising of thoughts and feelings and they will be able to
choose between kind and cruel.
Kind and cruel are mind
states associated with chemical and electrical signals in the
mindbrain. By taking thought the signals can be changed. 'What fires
together wires together'. It is never too late to change your mind.
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