Monday 19 March 2018

humdrum and inconsequential

For several days the mindbrain has been occupied with thoughts, feelings and moods (TFM) that are dull, boring, routine, monotonous and unexciting. There will have been much stuff churning in the unconscious but only very limited bits are being passed into consciousness and they tend to be trivial, petty, unimportant and insignificant. In brief, there has been much that is humdrum and inconsequential.

BUT, a few minutes ago, ‘I’ noticed a different hum of the drum. ‘I’ like the novelty. There is an element of ‘flow’ which means being non-egoic.

BUT there is need to avoid wanting as it assumes a ‘wanter’ which is the ego.

NOTE that much of the stuff that appears in the mindbrain comes from the memory archives that reach back to the foraging days of our ancestors.

NOTE that new stuff is being added every fraction of a second.

“it’s never too late to change a mind”

BUT NOTE some bits are easier to change than others

“use it or lose it”

“be still and know”

“just sit”

NOTE Non-being can be experienced only in retrospect ‘I’ like being in the flow because of the stillness and peace non-being that goes along with it.

BUT it does not make sense to say, “I am presently non-egoic.”

“Those who know do not speak.”

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