Thursday 26 October 2017

kindle quotes

Kindle allows quotes to be copied and exported. The process includes adding the source. Here is an example from the book I am presently reading.

“It will surprise many to find that the capacity of short - term memory is so small. Current research suggests the average short - term memory can hold a maximum of four ‘items’ at any one time . 1 If someone is given a list of words to remember, they should be able to remember only four words. This is based on numerous experiments where people were made to recall words or items from a previously shown list and on average could recall only four with any certainty. For many years, the capacity was believed to be seven, plus or minus two. This was labelled as the ‘magic number’ or ‘Miller’s law ’ as it was derived from 1950s experiments by George Miller . 2 However, refinements and reassessment of legitimate recall and experimental methods have since provided data to show the actual capacity is more like four items.”

Burnett, Dean. The Idiot Brain: A Neuroscientist Explains What Your Head is Really Up To (Kindle Locations 546-553). Guardian Faber Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The author reviews the literature in what seems like an accurate way, and maintains a pleasing jocularity throughout. [Date of publication = 2016]

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