Saturday 4 March 2017

monkey mind on autopilot

Earlier this morning the state of mind was dithering, footering and wavering. The monkey mind was jumping from one theme to another. Transforming thoughts were linked to fluctuating feelings and mutating moods (TFM). There was dis-ease in the form of flashes of anxiety, guilt and fear while the mindbrain was on autopilot.

And then focus returned. The monkey went for a dose and the autopilot switched itself off. The adjectival alliteration in the above paragraph emerged from unconscious links - aided by the ‘synonyms’ tool in MSWord. Peace of mind returned.

The unconscious has its own way of organising things. The day before yesterday in a café in Inverurie the following poem appeared.

A feast of mental foods
with feelings, thoughts, and moods
and lotsa shoulds and coulds
while gently sitting

Let them all decay
and you will find the Way
served on a mental tray
while gently sitting

A kind of blissful mind
sneaks up from deep behind
so much stuff to find
while gently sitting

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