Friday 30 December 2016

Music box

xmas present to myself – “Band in a Box” (+ Realband) from PG Music. Type in the chords, choose a style from the list, and push the generate button.

I was well on top of the programme about ten years ago when it dealt with only multitrack midi. Today’s version deals with audio as well as midi and there is now a huge list of styles all of which can be edited. The Realband feature has styles with parts recorded by real session musicians.

It is now a highly sophisticated programme but it can still be used by plonkers, in a simple way, straight out of its magical music box.

I suspect that my next period of musical creativity is looming. There is the possibility of developing some of the themes that bothered my younger brain and made it into the two online albums.

The first batch of songs was in the 1960/70s and the second in the 1990s. From a grand total of 66   songs 12 were on the “Cure for the Blues” album and 10 were on “The never ending highway” album. So there are 44 still in the pipeline.

Also, between 1994 and 1998, I wrote 77 toonloon tunes which are on the internet as computer generated midi files in an archival format. Most of them arrived when I was non-egoic and there are a few words pointing to the source of inspiration of each tune. Paulina’s flute is helping to give the tunes a less robotic ambience.

The ICT stuff is capturing a lot of attention. The associated TFM tends to be dark and negative but I see it coming and this prevents it getting a strong foothold so - it fades away.

The computer has been tied up with the ICT stuff so I sat witnessing and making notes about some of the more interesting TFM that ‘came to mind’. But the notes are mostly illegible because of the lack of fine motor control. This limits their usefulness.

But there is no shortage of stuff coming regularly to mind. But ‘I’ don’t have to force ‘my’ ‘self’ to tune in at the moment. So I won’t. Other than to quote a bit of lyric from the Zambia days.

“You’ll find plenty question masters
making quagmires of their brain
The man said, ‘There is no answer’
They said, ‘you are insane’”

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