Friday 13 May 2016

fizzle and footer

Yesterday featured fizzle and footer.

Sometimes the monkey mind was swinging from one focus of attention to another. It was busy with fleeting and seemingly random thoughts, feelings and moods (TFM). There were hundreds if not thousands of them. But they were presumably the tiny tip of the massive iceberg created by the ongoing unconscious churn.

Sometimes the self-conscious, rational ‘I’ was present and it was threatening to run those negative TFMs associated with depression. This was not a problem. The human mindbrain evolved to make sense of inputs from the sense organs and to create suitable reactions and responses to them. It is a fiercely complex and messy business during which a negative bias is adaptive.

Sometimes the cool ‘I’ that bears witness to what goes on in my head captured the cerebral control panel and diverted attention to non-egoic states of mind linked, for example, to doodling, reading, and cooking etc. This was self-less ‘flow’ which in retrospect was close to blissful - although that label can be applied only after the event.

Today the footering fizzle has abated and there is enough calm to write about it

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