Sunday 10 April 2016

Bruner’s step ladders

Words will arrive to expand on the thoughts, feelings and moods (TFM) recorded in my analogue notebook. In essence I am scunnert of technical ICT issues and there is motivation to get back to the dynamics of non-egoic mentation.

I have a fairly new laptop now running MS Office 365 on Windows 10. I would like to have MS FrontPage 2002 or2003 running on the new laptop. But MS no longer supports FrontPage. So there is need of a workaround.

I want Front Page working so that I can remove malware that has infected the web sites of SRDS, CCSD, and Hakikazi that are hosted on Easyspace, and toonloon and STBF (archive) that are hosted on Bizland. Note that in all cases there are several quite large sub domains.

If I cannot edit the sites using FrontPage I will have to rebuild them from scratch using another web design programme such as Dreamweaver, Coffeecup, Google sites or whatever. That would involve a steep learning curve and a huge amount of time and effort.

I consulted the young lads in the ICT shop in Banff. Further chat might create a work around eg set up one of my old laptops purely as a FrontPage machine.

BUT – there are the dynamics of mentation to consider. I am in a deep hole brimming with ICT issues. There are many interweaving learning curves leading onwards and upwards - enough to occupy attention 24/7 or at least 16/ 7. Obsession!

BUT - Imagine that the learning curve has steps. Focus on one step at a time. Bruner the psychologist reckoned that you could teach anybody anything by dividing it into enough small steps. BUT - this line of thinking assumes the pre-existence of an expert who can ensure appropriate scope (how broad and how deep), sequence (where to begin and where to go next) and pace (how quickly to climb the steps).

BUT - in a self-learning situation it can be difficult figuring an appropriate scope, sequence and pace for a to-do-list for a new-to-you topic. BUT there is the option of logging in to expert how-to presentations even if only as a chat with local experts or as a video on Youtube.

BUT - there is the problem of discipline and focus. While climbing a particular Bruner step ladder I am drawn to endless side steps along which attention glides. That is the monkey mind being driven by the churn in the unconscious. When I become aware of attention having slipped from the original intention I gently draw it back.

BUT – at other times there is non-egoic flow and effortless focus. There is an urge to state that the non-egoic state is pleasant and even blissful. But that is a word trick. Consider the sentence, “I experience non-egoic bliss.” The whole point of being non-egoic is that there is no ‘I’ to do the experiencing. It is the ‘agency’ conundrum. Can there be an experience without an experiencer?

Riding a bicycle, driving a car. ‘I‘ was present to take the Bruner steps that led to mastery and now ‘I’ do not have to be present. The vehicles are controlled by non-egoic parts of my brain.

So we have rambled and returned to the dynamics of mentation, to how the mindbrain works. The ICT issues vanished for a while. Halleluiah.

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