Sunday 15 November 2015

witnessing the zombie

The idea of an abiding self or ego is a mind-made illusion. Mature meditators see through the illusion and experience the non-egoic bliss of being out of time and space. But the experience is also available to newcomers to the ancestral art of sitting still.

I am a student of mindfulness who, over the years, has followed a range of teachings. Common to them all is the major challenge of dispelling the illusion of self which is infamously more easily said than done.

The technique for changing your mind is to sit quietly doing nothing but, when 'I' try, 'I' find that 'my' mind is inclined to occupation by uninvited thoughts, feelings and moods (TFM). So 'I' decide to watch the TFM as they come and go. The intention is that 'I' should be just a witness But 'I' find 'myself' standing in judgement using one of the many moral codes that 'I' acquired from the various groups to which 'I' belong.

So there seems to be an 'I', 'me' and 'mine', associated with an 'ego' or sense of 'self'. But these are not clear cut. Many variations on the basic theme emerge, presumably from the unconscious; they hang around in attention for a while; then they disappear - presumably back into the unconscious.

But do not take my word for it. Try the following experiment.

Find a comfortable seat in a quiet place
Sit down
Shut your eyes
Commit yourself to stay there for 60 seconds
Intend to observe the thoughts, feelings and moods (TFM) that arise
If no TFM arise, then point your attention to your breathing

OPTION: - when the 60 seconds are up -
Label and write the names of the TFM that you remember
Think of your 'self'' as (a) the carrier of the TFM and (b) as the witness

I have played with the idea of there being at least two ways in which the structure and functions of 'my''self' are construed. I have given the different constructions names. (a) Zorba the zombie who experiences the background and foreground TFM. Zorba is also known as the monkey mind and (b) Walter the witness who engages in non judgemental observation of what Zorba get up to. I think of Walter as the cool dude.

So who am I? Sometimes excitable Zorba the Zombie, and sometimes cool dude Walter the witness. Do you recognise those two characters? Repeat the experiment and see what other illusions of 'self' turn up.

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