Friday 12 September 2014

referendum cheils

Robert Burns
The referendum is too close to call. The undecided are therefore a major target of the Yes and No propaganda machines which use fascinating facts and rousing rhetoric to change minds.

‘BUT - facts are chiels that winna ding,/An downa be disputed’. Or so thought Robert Burns in his 1786 poem A Dream. (The English translation is ‘But facts are fellows that will not be overturned,/And cannot be disputed’.)

!!! what !!!The chiels are fairly dingin these days!

Robert Burns was a key participant in the Scottish Enlightenment of the 18th century. The movement produced poets, scientists and lawyers whose legacy is/was the hard-headedness of a nation which, at least until recently, had great respect for factual knowledge.

But these are post-modern times. The goal is not to be truthful but rather to be convincing.

Our luminous ancestors must be good-naturedly harumphing in their coffins. Lest we forget, our world leading gurus include:

  • David Hume (1711-1776) - philosophy,
  • Adam Smith (1723-1790) - economics,
  • Adam Ferguson (1723-1816) – sociology,
  • Robert Burns (1759-1796) - poetry.

Check them out in Wikipedia. It is fascinating to notice how much of the thinking which began with those 18th century luminaries continues in my 21st century mindbrain.

(Footnote: the mean spirited Presbyterianism of John Knox (1514-1572) is also in the cultural mix – we can’t win them all!)

(John Knox (1514-1572) is alive and well as a voice in Janice's heed - and mine - the Presbyterian curse - nicely written. Will modern Yes thinking help us - and our kids - break free at last?


  1. adam smith quotes - there are some toppers - morality matters

  2. John Knox (1514-1572) is alive and well as a voice in Janice's heed - and mine - the Presbyterian curse - nicely written. Will modern Yes thinking help us - and our kids - break free at last?
