Thursday 12 June 2014

Nurturing Attention

There is a psychological and scientific technique that can bring about improvement in your sense of well-being, your ability to work with difficult feelings, and your likelihood of enjoying the rest of your life.

The essence of the technique is to keep paying attention to a particular thought, feeling or event. When attention drifts to the past or future, as it will, notice, and put it back on the chosen target.

The technique involves systematic attentional training. This involves focusing the mind and brain time after time and thus stilling the routine chatter.

The technique has been ‘discovered’ in many times and places and dressed up in a variety of exotic cultural costumes.

The omnipresence of the technique suggests that hard wiring must be involved.  Experienced practitioners explain that there is nothing that needs to be added. The task rather is to pull back the veil and wipe the dust from the mirror so that your light can shine. Enlightenment for the rest of your life!


Goleman, Daniel (2013). Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence. Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.

National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine

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