Friday 29 November 2013

Media or mindfulness

This morning I noted a flush of guilt about surrendering my attention to the media. It is a cop out from the task of sorting my brain. It is good to sit quietly doing nothing. Anything else is a distraction from mindfulness. And mindfulness is the message and the goal.

The message from the peace-of-mind gurus is simple. Use the mind to change the brain and thus to change the mind.

We are heavily conditioned and programmed by our parents, communities and cultures but life is full of fudgey bits where there is freedom to choose. The challenge is to choose well.

Change is necessary because our modern mindbrains have been spoiled by modern civilization. Our mindbrains evolved for hunting and gathering in small groups but now we work and shop in anonymous crowds. We have stone age brains in a computerized, nuclear world run by selfish and small minded zealots.

There is the possibility of turning your mind around. There is neural plasticity – it is never too late to change your mind. Throughout human history there have been exceptional individuals who have developed the un-common sense that is our birthright. Think of the Buddha and Jesus and of the many shamans and seers in many cultures throughout history. Small candles in the vast darkness.

But there are now many peace-of-mind gurus in the modern world. Facilitators of mind change. And there are many ordinary people eager to change their mind. (Ref – MBSR and MBCT) This may mark a radical (spiritual?) turning point. 13.7 billion years after the Big Bang and matter is becoming conscious of its consciousness.

We can be self aware stardust! What will it be?

Will I surrender my attention to the media or to mindfulness?

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