I scan the Google News and then the Guardian online. I made a web page with links to all the other UK papers but I rarely open it.
I could ignore the media. Attention will be filled anyway. There will be reruns of recent sensory inputs and these will be loosely and briefly attached to various long-term memory topics; this can bolster experiential learning.
For example, yesterday I attended a Parkinson’s UK road show in the Boat of Garten. Big yins from Edinburgh and London made presentations. I was more interested in how things were said rather than in what they were saying. The biggest of the big yins were silver tongued devils making the same presentation for the fiftieth time. Smooth but not inspiring.
The Scottish parliamentary liaison wifie was a fiery character and offered many real-politic insights. Much more than a bean counter. The local PD nurse was a last minute stand in who was well informed, committed and charming. Genuine fire and passion are inspiring.
They were touting their various topic specific hand outs. They make a thing about plain language - and they seem to have figured it out for both printed and online materials.
More attention filling. I readjusted the bolts that support the new toilet seat. I have been procrastinating about that for many days. The mechanism is counterintuitive and it seems that I did not keep the installation instructions.
There have been many other attention grabbers in the three hours since I got out of bed. But none of them seemed worthy of being committed to writing. Time passes. What reality counts? Whose news merits attention?
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