Wednesday, 20 September 2017

brain on holiday

It feels like my brain is on holiday. I used to be ‘working’ as a reclusive academic trying to get my head out of its parochial old ways so that it could wrap itself around the new paradigm thinking in evolutionary psychology and neurology.

The original plan had been to publish a blogpost every other day (about 180 per year). The current blog began in 2013 when it had 199 posts but this had shrunk to 88 in 2016 and to only 35 so far (September) in 2017. But the blogs are of different lengths and cover more or less new ground. I suspect that, in recent times, there are more, longer posts attempting to co-relate various new TFM
There are various posts dealing with the methodology for using the mindbrain to ‘manage’ itself.  Amongst other things, this involves appreciating the immensity of what goes on unnoticed in the unconscious and how it relates to effortless creativity. Flowing in the Groove and in the Zone. And in my case, producing words (these blogposts), doodles and music.

There is now a small group of us making arrangements of my songs from times past and of a range of popular songs. But I have not yet got on top of the digital ways of mixing master recordings. The technology and expertise that I developed in Lesotho is no longer relevant. 

I now face a blank wall in linking various DAWs to the outputs from the Zoom R16. But I might recently have found a suitably user friendly DAW – . I will need to find a geek to get the mini keyboard working. I will also need to figure how to import and edit midi signals. I have recorded midi in Reaper but I cannot hear the playback.

I footer a lot and there are the beginnings of anxiety and stress. These days the mindbrain becomes aware of the emergence of TFM in their early stages and responds in either of two ways – focus 100% on them or let them go. 

Negative reactions and responses relating to my being a cheater/chancer as a ‘teacher’ and ‘consultant’ are quite frequent. Refusing them brain space is wonderful. That suggests that I take a holiday to escape the innovative, academic TFM. But the non-academic churn of TFM can also be seen as troublesome, and holidays from heavy thinking might be lauded. Just a passing whim. All things come to pass.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

noting the non egoic churn

So what is new and different? I have been imbibing the thoughts of Robert Wright and David Eagleman and fitting their new stories into my unconscious and loosely modulated mindbrain churn. 

The root notion is that the info entering via the various limited sense organs is ongoing and calls for merging past experience with present circumstances so as to get what you want and to avoid what you do not want. 

The churn does not remain with a thought, feeling or mood (TFM) for very long.. Most people most of the time are carried along on speeding thought trains whose many carriages have different cargoes. This is why some people think that their mind has a mind of its own. The rational ‘me’ is not in charge. But things need not be that way. By being an ‘as if’ witness to what passes through the mindbrain the sting can be taken from the passing TFM.

And there is also the non-egoic state of ‘flow’ where higher levels of TFM give rise to quality ways of doing things with grace rather than with a grudge. (ref Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)

These days I usually notice when the churn is about to begin. There is a feeling to capture the passing TFM but they tend to be too hopelessly trivial to make it worthwhile to focus on them.

Thursday, 7 September 2017


"The only constant thing is change".

Search the internet for this quote and this blog is noted
See reference HERE

See the relevant blogpost HERE

There are always alternatives!