Footering and telly. Time slips away. Heated leftovers. Details
are irrelevant.
But there is a background thankfulness for the plants and animals
that make it possible – including the micro-organisms – and all the people
whose efforts get the wide range of stuff to the Coop.
Farmers, food processors, and transporters. The makers of
roads, trucks and transport cafes. Entrepreneurs with the support of bankers
and insurance agents. Media people keeping an open eye on the rules and
regulations. And other media people providing radio and TV. And the workers and
their bosses. Division of Labour.
I was born when I was very young. Some useful mindbrain
stuff (instincts, reflexes, biases) was hard wired but I had a lot to learn. My
world view (Weltenschauung) was determined by my natal time and place and could
therefore have resulted in my being parochial and xenophobic. But, for whatever
reason, I came to be interested in a bigger picture; in finding better ways to
be human.
The mindbrain churns continually and thus keeps itself abreast
of ‘reality’. Much of the hard wiring
has evolved as an adaptation to changing environments over the last few million
We are beginning to understand the structure and function of
the human brain including the prefrontal lobes as the seat of the executive
functions. Everybody has a built in MBA and is thus potentially able to operate
project logical frameworks. But this is not often realised.
And nothing comes from nothing. For a long time after the
big bang there was only a dark soup of hydrogen. In time stars evolved and the other heavier
elements were made.
And then a miracle happened.
Our solar system came into
existence in the milky way. Planer earth came into being. There were complex
molecules. They joined together in cell like structures and DNA won the
struggle for biochemical survival. Then there were proper cells with nucleuses
and cytoplasm. Then multicell organisms evolved - the plants managed
photosynthesis which involved capturing light energy by using it to create sugar.
Then fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The
mammals gave rise to the monkeys and apes who begat the hominids who are our
direct ancestors. And now there is us and our computers and Coops.
“What’s it all about Alfie”)