This morning there were peace making thoughts, feelings and
moods (TFM) about the more glorious TFM.
There was an enhanced sense of time and space that was grounded in the
notion of a cosmic zoom, and in the three phases of evolution – cosmic,
biological and cultural.
In the beginning was the big bang which gave rise to
hydrogen and helium and then to all the other elements in Mendeleyev’s periodic
table. There was matter and energy
interacting to form universes, galaxies, solar systems and many suns and
planets. This was the phase of cosmic evolution – it has not stopped.
I am not an astronomer and what I see when I consider the
night sky are tiny spots of light arranged in constellations. So my viewpoint
is closer to that of the stone age ancestors rather than to modern scientists.
But I trust the well-informed scientists to monitor and challenge each other.
Arguably developments in ‘evolutionary psychology’ and ‘neurology’, have given
us ‘brain science’ as a new paradigm.
The middle phase is biological evolution. In the beginning a
singular, self-replicating, biochemical blueprint evolved and formed the basis
of all living things. It guides the
function of all single and many celled plants and animals. All living things use the same DNA. There is a unity of biochemistry.
I have studied biochemistry and have wondered at the elegant
poetry of Glycolysis, the Kreb’s Cycle and of many other sophisticated, biochemical
routines which are found in the cells of all organisms. This is strong evidence
that ‘life’ evolved only once.
The next phase is cultural evolution. Culture is possible
and necessary in animals that interact with each other. The more advanced
organisms have central and peripheral nervous systems which gather information
through sense organs (eg eyes and ears), process it in memory modules, and produce
chemical, electrical and motor responses.
Culture is particularly important in human beings who have
language and can share detailed thoughts, feelings and moods. Language is
recently evolved. It’s full potential is still to be realised.
The ancestors used language to create a vast range of myths
and magic. But these were based on intuition and imagination rather than on evidence
and facts. (eg the flat earth). Since the turn of the centuries there has been
a lot of new thinking in the field of brain science. The main idea is that the
world view of an individual is rooted in nature, nurture and chance. And the
good news is that the contributions of nature (eg instinct, intuition, reflex
and various biases) appear to be plastic. It is never too late to change your
mind – or anybody else’s (think propaganda.)
Back to the cosmic zoom. Life as we know it is very recently
evolved in astronomical terms - and it will be gone when the sun runs out of
fuel (hydrogen and helium again.) We are all doomed. It would be nice if people,
politicians and policy makers were to practice mindfulness meditation and thus
speak truth to power. Most people would know that the reality that can be
described is not the real reality and is not worth killing or dying over. It is
never too late to change your mind with peacemaking thoughts.